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3.11/784 itinerary research

Anthony Artaud requested to merge 3.11/784_itinerary_research into 3.11/sprint

Compute correct foot leg at beginning and end of journey.

Foot leg was missing between the first address (house or stopPoint) to the first crossing. Same for the arrival (last crossing to arrival address). This is because no approach journey was added when getting the vertex access map at a specific address. So the change consists in creating this approach journey and adding it to the vertex access map. To do this, the getVertexAccessMap function needs a few more parameters.

This can be tested using address /new_interface/schedules.json?count=1&departure_place_XY=6.597762505660925%2C46.52900634426739&arrival_place=1970329131942837&date=2018-08-10%2010%3A50 The 1st departure foot leg should be 411 meters and start from 6.5976135506513289 46.5287861867090271 to 6.6021999760115264 46.5277544130395171.

Edited by Anthony Artaud

Merge request reports
